About Sadie
Sadie Kahn-Greene is delighted to join the Unitarian Universalist Church in Nashua as Director of Faith Formation. As a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and Credentialed Religious Educator, Sadie seeks to engage all ages with what it means to be Unitarian Universalist. She works to inspire thoughtfulness, build relationships, and strengthen our ability to do good in our world. Growing up Unitarian Universalist, she deepened her connections to this faith as a teen and young adult leader on the congregational, local and continental level. While majoring in theater at Wesleyan University, she began integrating her love of storytelling and the arts with her Unitarian Universalist faith.
Sadie served as the Director of Religious Education at First Parish Church in Chelmsford, MA from 2003 to 2011. During her 8 years on staff she supported a growing program of up to 130 children and youth and 100 volunteers.
Sadie lives in Chelmsford, Massachusetts with her husband Will and two children Julian (6) and Oliver (almost 4!).
For the past several years, Sadie has been trainer for the UUA Renaissance program for religious educators. She leads Worship for All Ages and Teacher Development workshops and online Unitarian Universalist history courses.
Sadie currently serves as one of the conference coordinators for Religious Education Week at Ferry Beach in Maine, a role that coordinates all programs for pre-k through adults for a family conference of over 160 participants and staff.
Sadie and her children have been attending First Parish UU in Lexington where she has been volunteering as a youth advisor and worship associate. In the summer/fall of 2016 Sadie served as the maternity leave religious educator for First Parish in Lexington. This recent role solidified her call to return to her work as a congregational professional. Sadie is eager to work with us as we explore our emerging Faith Formation Program in Nashua.
Fun Fact: Sadie’s grandfather was once the Sunday school superintendent at the Staten Island Unitarian Church and Sadie’s grandmother was also once the Sunday school director at the Unitarian Church in Baltimore. |