A Place to Belong


At the Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua (UUCN), we are excited to offer a variety of programs and events for not only Members to connect to, but for Visitors to get connected as well.  If you find a program or event you are interested in, please sign up during our Fellowship Hour on Sundays, if available, or connect with the coordinator for that event. If you need assistance email our Director of Faith Formation to get more information.  Be sure to check out our calendar to see what events are coming up. To subscribe to our newsletter contact our Church Administrator.


Be a Sunday morning Greeter/Usher

A friendly smile and a warm “Good morning, welcome, we are glad you are here!” helps everyone know we are a welcoming, friendly community.

Please contact Rev. Allison if you are interested in helping out with one Sunday of Greeting.

Offer Hospitality by working the Coffee Crew during Fellowship Hour

Every week after our services, we gather in fellowship, to welcome visitors, catch up with new friends and old, visit with one another, and discuss what we are inspired and moved by…coffee and refreshments allow us to be nourished in body and spirit at this time.

Please contact Rev. Allison if you are interested in helping out with one Sunday Fellowship Hour.