The basic authority for all church matters rests with the congregation, which has adopted a representative form of democracy. The church’s governing documents are the Articles of Agreement. Our church follows a Policy-based Governance style of governing.

In this style of governance, the Congregation calls a Minister and elects officers and a governing board, called our Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees (“The Board”) sets policy for our church, does visioning and sets limitations for our Minister and Executive Director. In our case, our Minister is also the Executive Director.

The Minister, aided by staff and volunteers, implements the policies and oversees the administration of the church.

The Annual Meeting of the membership takes place in June before the end of our church year, June 30. The agenda includes the election of trustees, officers and other officials; reports from the President and the Minister; and the adoption of the church budget covering the fiscal year that begins June 1.

Generally, the Board holds a business meeting on the first Thursday of the month, except July and August. Approved Minutes are posted here and hard copies are available in the binder in the Dining Room. The Board of Trustees operates under its Policy Manual that describes the Board’s system of governance and policies.

Read the Board Minutes

Safe Congregation Policy 10.1.2020

Governing Policies Updated 2023

Our Values, Mission and Ends Statements

UUCN Bylaws

Annual Meetings