2017 Summer Services!

This Sunday, June 18, marks the start of our Summer Services! Summer Services are at the same time as services during our regular church year (10am on Sunday), but are a little different. The majority of the services are lay-led (only two are led by our minister), and they tend to be smaller and somewhat less formal than our regular church year services. There are no Faith Formation classes over the summer, but we do offer childcare during the service for anyone 12 and younger. Children are always welcome to stay in the services as well, though summer services are not explicitly designed to be for all ages.

Joys & Sorrows will also be a little different in the summer months. We’ll have spoken joys & sorrows, led by the worship leader or Worship Associate. We will not be using our Candles Cards over the summer.

We’ve got a fabulous line-up of worship leaders. Hope to see you at one or more of these services!

June 18: We Live By Faith and Not By Sight, Burns Fisher

June 25: GA Worship: The Shared World, Livestream of our UUA GA Worship

July 2: Rationality & Spirituality, Dan Murphy

July 9: In the Mainstream, Maggie Woolsey

July 16: Resist & Rejoice: Reflections from General Assembly 2017, General Assembly Participants

July 23: Kindness and Grit, Jess Woods

July 30: Holy Uselessness, Rev. Allison Palm

August 6: Spiritual Atheism, Chuck Rehberg

August 13: The Task Within The Task, A Spirituality for the Second Phase of Life, Gary Lerude

August 20: The Recklessness of Faith, Rev. Allison Palm

August 27: Heroes – Children’s Service, Grace Morton & Friends

September 3: UU and Hospice, Karen Campbell