Greetings from Sadie Kahn-Greene, Director of Faith Formation

Hello All!

I’ve been called here to support Faith Formation at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua.

I look forward to when we will:

Worship together.     Eat together.    Laugh and learn together.    Reach out and put our faith in action together.

Together we will build a community of trust and commitment and see what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist here, in Nashua and in our world.

That’s what I’m here for and I can’t wait to meet you all!


Sadie Kahn-Greene  Director of Faith Formation

A Few Notes From Sadie…

I just started on July 24th. You and I are both blessed that Sandra Greenfield was such an amazing Interim Director of Faith Formation. I throughly enjoyed working with her during my first week here which was also her last. I’m so grateful for all the work you have done here in Nashua. That fact that all our volunteers for teaching and youth advising are already lined up for the fall is such a gift.

Now I can focus on getting to know you all! I look forward to meeting with the faith formation teams and volunteers as we continue the planning for our first year together.

When will we meet?

Here are some of the meetings that are coming up where I hope to see many of you over these next few weeks! I’m sure there will me more meetings and moments for us to connect. If you’d like to schedule a time to meet please reach out!

Adult Faith Formation Team – Wed. Aug. 9th at 6:30pm-8:30

Sunday morning worship  – Aug. 13th, 20th & 27th

Children and Youth Faith Formation Team – Sun. Aug. 13th 11:00am

Covenant Group Facilitator Training – Sat. Aug. 26th 11am-1pm

Worship Associates Training – Tues. Aug. 29th 6-9pm

OWL Parent Orientation Part 1 (of 2) – Thurs. Sept 7th 6:30-8:30pm

Teacher Training Saturday – Sept 9th 9am-3pm

Ingathering and Welcome Picnic – Sept 10th 10am & Noon

OWL Parent Orientation Part 2 (of 2) – Thurs. Sept 14th 6:30-8:30pm

First Day of Faith Formation Sunday Programs – Sun. Sept. 17th!

When am I at the church and how can you reach me?

I’ll be in the office during the week Monday-Thursday from 9:30am-3pm

My office number is (603) 882-1091 ext 203

Email is also a great way to reach me at

How can you register your child(ren) for Faith Formation this year?

We have an online form for your convenience. I would love it if we could have everyone registered before the start of the classes on Sept. 17th! Here’s the link:   Faith Formation Registration


