Our Church Administrator, Ericka LaValley, will be on Parental Leave from mid-March through mid-June.  See below for a list of parental leave coverage and who to contact during this time.    The Administrator’s email address will not be monitored during this time.  The Administrator’s voicemail will be checked weekly, however, if you are looking for a quick call back time, please reach out to the appropriate person listed below.

We have hired a part time Office & Communications Assistant, Kathleen Wooten, to help with some of the office work during this time.  Other tasks will be covered by the full time staff.  Sunday morning Zoom Host will be covered by a team of volunteers.

Questions regarding your pledge/outreach donations, you can reach out to the Stewardship Team (stew@uunashua.org) or Rev. Allison Palm (minister@uunashua.org)


Questions regarding Faith Formation programming, you can contact our Director of Faith Formation, Sadie Kahn-Greene (dff@uunashua.org)


Contract work, property maintenance, etc, please reach out to our church Sexton, Ray Rivera (rayrivjr@gmail.com)


Programming and Policy questions, please reach out to our minister, Rev. Allison Palm (minister@uunashua.org). 


Share upcoming events and programs that you would like to be shared with the congregation, please email our Office & Communications Assistant, Kathleen Wooten (communications@uunashua.org) . 


Questions/information regarding rental space, and for any other questions not detailed above, please contact the office & communications assistant who will get a response to you or direct your message to the correct person (communications@uunashua.org)


Staff phone numbers:

Rev. Allison Palm:  603-882-1091 ext 202

Sadie Kahn-Greene: 603-882-1091 ext 203

Erin Scott: 603-882-1091 ext 204