Dreaming and Budgeting for our Future

It’s budgeting season here at UUCN. Over the past few weeks, the folks who lead our committees and teams have been sending me their requests for next year’s budget. It’s a joy to see all that you’ve been dreaming up for next year! I can tell that some of you took on my challenge to dream big for our future.

The flip side of all this dreaming is making hard choices about which dreams we can’t and can’t make happen this year. As I mentioned in my Stewardship sermon, the program-sized congregation is always in a state of needing more resources. That’s one of the challenges of being a part of a congregation that is growing in both numbers and vitality – it always feels like the resources can’t catch up with the need!

One of the reasons we ask folks to make pledges is so that we can plan for next year. Though the Stewardship Campaign ended on March 6, I know that there are at least 25-30 of you who have yet to make a financial commitment. We need your pledge today so that we can plan for our future. We need your pledge today so that we can take a step closer to fulfilling our dreams.

So, if you haven’t made your pledge for 2016-2017 yet, please do! We are making it extra easy this year, with the opportunity to pledge online: http://uunashua.org/pledge/. If you want to have a conversation about your pledge, or aren’t sure how much to give, you can always give me a call or send me an email (rev.allison.palm@gmail.com). There’s also some great resources to help you think about giving to the church on the Stewardship page. Every pledge, no matter how small or large, helps fulfill our dreams for the future.

