April’s Theme: Creation

April begins in just a couple of days, which means it’s time for us to explore a new theme of the month. This month, we’ll be thinking together about creation, and answering the question “What does it mean to be a people of creation?”

We consider this question as spring begins to bloom all around us, accentuating that traditional notion of creation, literally shoving the beauty of this earth into our faces each day. It is the time of planting seeds, creating gardens in the recently thawed earth. It is the time of new birth, of baby birds and lambs and crocuses.

We consider this question in a time where it sometimes seems like the world is falling apart. With climate change causing weather we cannot understand or explain on the one hand, and political turmoil causing doubts about the future of our country and the world on the other hand, it’s sometimes hard to see where the joy and beauty of creation fits in anymore. Destruction might be closer to some of our hearts at this time.

And, we consider this question in the month when I will formally be installed as your minister. On April 10, we’ll spend the day celebrating and affirming this new chapter in the life of UUCN that we are creating together.

What does it mean to be a people of creation? It means we are a part of all of it. We are co-creating this world together. Sometimes it is a beautiful journey. Sometimes it’s devastating. Always, we are in it together.

