Yesterday marked one year since I was announced as your candidate for settled minister. What an exciting day that was! I wasn’t here with you, of course, but I listened online and I swear I could feel your joy and anticipation through the air waves.
Since that day, we’ve met and said yes to one another, and embarked on this journey of shared ministry together. It’s been a journey of getting to know one another, sharing our stories, building trust, taking risks together, and dreaming about where we might go as a congregation in the coming years.
This Sunday, I will be formally installed as your settled minister. We’ll get a chance to reflect on and celebrate the eight months we’ve spent together already, and to affirm our commitment to continue this shared ministry for many months to come. The Installation service marks a formal, spiritual covenant between a minister and a congregation. There’ll be folks from the community and colleagues from all over New England in attendance, so it is also a time to be reminded of our connection to our local community and the larger UU world. Most of all, it is a time of celebration!
I can’t wait to covenant and celebrate with you this Sunday!