While we are blessed to have Sandra Greenfield with us next year for a second year of interim work, now is the time to start thinking about our search for a permanent religious educator. After much discussion with Sandra, the Personnel Team and others, we have decided to transition the title of our Director of Lifespan Religious Education to a Director of Faith Formation.
What is the difference between a Director of Lifespan Religious Education and a Director of Faith Formation?
The shift to the language of Faith Formation broadens the way we think about how we help people grow as Unitarian Universalists. Rather than focusing strictly on education (Sunday school, curriculum, etc.), we recognize the ways in which everything we do in our congregation is a part of how people of all ages develop their faith and their UU identity. A Director of Faith Formation does more than just educate; a DFF is in charge of programs of all kinds that help us to grow in our faith. If you have more questions about the difference between Religious Education and Faith Formation, feel free to reach out to Rev. Allison or Sandra.
Will this change what Sandra does now?
The easy thing about this shift is that Sandra is already doing the work of a Director of Faith Formation. Her duties have gone far beyond education, as she has also been working on worship, pastoral care, membership and more. Shifting the language will acknowledge what we are already embodying here at UUCN, and will make it clear what we are looking for when we begin the search for a settled DFF.
When does this change take place?
Sandra’s title will officially change to Interim Director of Faith Formation on May 22. On that day, she and I will lead worship together, and she’ll preach about Faith Formation and our future. After service, we’ll host a PercUUlate session for anyone who is interested to talk more about Faith Formation and what it means for us.
Are you excited about the future of Faith Formation at UUCN? Would you like to be a part of finding our new DFF? Do you know someone who you’d like to be a part of the Search Team?
Pat Ladew has stepped up to be the chair of our DFF Search Team, and will be working closely with Rev. Allison throughout the process. Now we need a few more enthusiastic folks to join us in the search! If you are interested in being a part of the Team, we invite you to submit an application by May 15th. Click here for the application. If you know someone that you think should be on the team, we are also accepting nominations. Click here to nominate someone for the Search Team.
Pat and Rev. Allison will go through all the nominations and applications after May 15, and select 5 people to join the team. We’ll be looking for diversity of experience and skills, as well as a group that will be able to work well together.
What does serving on the DFF Search Committee involve?
The work of the Team will begin with a one-day retreat in September. From September through December, the Team will work to gain input from the congregation to conceptualize our ideal candidate; create a job description; do preliminary advertising of the position; and create a strategy to publicize the position. During January and February, the Team will advertise, solicit applications from candidates, and review applications. In March and April, the team will conduct interviews with the top candidates. We hope to have a new DFF to announce to the congregation in May 2017!
If you have any questions, please direct them to Pat Ladew or Rev. Allison.
The deadline for applications and nominations is May 15th.