Link to sign up to be an Usher/Greeter:
Information about the Gala to benefit the Ending Homelessness Fund:
And one Announcement from the Outreach Team that didn’t make it in the recording:
Since 2003 our congregation has taken great pride in giving away its collections to worthwhile organizations making a difference in the greater Nashua community and beyond. The team meets monthly to review inquiries and decide on the recipients and where to fit them on the calendar. The next monthly meeting will be Wednesday, August 4th at 6:45 PM at the Church if you think you might be interested in joining our Team.
But beyond actually serving on the Team, we ask that you keep your eyes and ears open for potential recipients of our gifts and let us know about them. There is a place on our web site (under Justice) where an interested party can click to find out more and fill out a form telling us more about their purpose and the reason our funds are needed. And there is word of mouth, of course.
Our only criteria are that the organization must have 501C 3 tax status, must be operating and making a difference consistent with our UU principles, and must be able to have a speaker come and talk to the congregation on the first Sunday of their month’s collection.
So if you’d like to serve on the Team or have someone in mind to receive the Outreach Collection we hope to hear from you. Contact Sherri and she will forward your inquiry or need on to the Team.