Letter to all our Families from Rev. Allison and Sadie

Dear Parents,

It has been a tough season to be a parent. For so many of us, the Covid-19 pandemic has radically changed our daily lives, disrupting the way we live, work and parent. Our support systems – schools, child care, babysitters, extended family – have in many cases been entirely removed, leaving parents more on our own than we ever have been before. As we’ve struggled to balance kids and work and our own mental health, we also have had to make countless decisions about protecting our family’s health, often without clear guidance from any authorities.

And now, we know that many of you are facing an upcoming school year that looks very different than you might have expected. Perhaps you are faced with a choice about whether or not to send your child to any in person school or childcare. Perhaps your kid’s school is making choices that you aren’t sure about, or not offering enough information for you to feel comfortable. Perhaps you’ve made a decision that feels best for your kids, but you are not sure how you are going to manage it. Perhaps you have no choice because of your work or family situation and you are feeling frightened, frustrated, or trapped.

However you are feeling about this upcoming school year or the decisions you are facing, know that we are holding you in love. We know you are facing impossible choices, or no choice at all. We know that you are doing your best to do what is right for your kids and your family. We know that every family’s situation is different, that each of us are weighing different needs and priorities as we face this upcoming year. There are a lot of opinions being thrown around right now about what parents “should” be doing and we want you to know that your church community is here to support you, without judgment.

If you need a listening ear, or someone with whom to share your thoughts and feelings as we are gearing up for the new school year, feel free to reach out to either of us:

Rev. Allison – minister@uunashua.org

Sadie – dff@uunashua.org

We also invite you to join us for our “Back to School Blessings” service on August 23 at 10am. We’ll be reflecting together on starting a new year in these unprecedented times and offering blessings from our faith for the year ahead.

This year we will offer ways for you to explore Unitarian Universalism with your families both at home and through online connections as we plan to offer all church programs remotely this year. More information will be forthcoming, both on our website and in our e-newsletters. This coming week Aug. 17th-21st we have a UU Sources Lego Camp that will lead into the Back to School Blessings service on Aug. 23rd. The camp activities will be offered both online at 10am & 2pm daily as well as emailed to families who wish to explore the stories and lego builds together at home at their own pace. You can see more info and sign up here: LEGO CAMP INFO

Remember, you are not alone in this world of impossible choices. We love you and we know that you are doing your very best.

In faith,
Rev. Allison & Sadie