Author: Ericka Lavalley

12.05.2024 Building Our Vision Update

This week the crew continued with internal demolition, the focus being in the sanctuary.  The Sanctuary doors were removed, both inside and outside, a wall came down, carpet was removed and the remainder of the chancel was removed this week.  We have had electricians on … read more.

11.27.2024 Building Our Vision Update

This week was a lot of internal prep for for demolition and site work to begin next week. All the electrical was made safe, and they started prepping pieces for a temporary wall that block off the White Wing Building from the construction zone. Next … read more.

11.21.2021 Building Our Vision Update

Demo work continued this week. The mudroom between the Sanctuary and Parish House is nearly gone, and they have begun work to remove the chancel. The pulpit and bench behind it have been carefully removed, as we are keeping them to potentially reuse in the … read more.