Category: Building Our Vision/Capital Campaign Updates

Updates from the Building Our Vision team and Capital Campaign Team will be posted to this page for your reference.

03.13.2025 Building Our Vision Update

Progress continues on heating and insulation. You can see int he photo above where they are making space for one of the returns in the Sanctuary.

The external work on finalizing foundations also continued this week, working on getting elevations correct,a nd making the new additions … read more.

03.06.2025 Building Our Vision Updates

Progress continues on heating and insulation. The Parish House boiler is up and running, and the sanctuary heating system is in progress, with lots of new ductwork and equipment fitting in to our cramped old space.

The new narthex/lobby is full framed in and you can … read more.

02.27.2025 Building Our Vision Update

We have had more progress on the foundation to our new entrance this week.  The concrete was poured and we now have a visible foundation.  Work on the new boilers continued and the heat was turned on in the sanctuary and parish house. Inside the … read more.

02.06.2025 Building Our Vision Update

Our ground heater has arrived! This will allow us to heat up the ground enough to get foundations in, even in February.

Contractors are beginning to reframe the doors in sanctuary and will be starting to frame the addition floor and roof in connector. Next week, … read more.

01.30.2025 Building Our Vision Update

The new gas line is starting to take shape, and the Parish House boilers should be hooked up soon. Ductwork is progressing for the Sanctuary heating system as well, and all that equipment has been ordered.

We are hoping to get foundations in for the new … read more.

01.23.2025 Building Our Vision Update

The large hole that you’ve seen in previous pictures of the front of the sanctuary (what we found when the chancel was removed) has been framed in to prepare for the new hardwood flooring that will be installed there.

Progress on the heating systems for both … read more.

01.09.2025 Building Our Vision Update

Site work has continued this week, with the holes for the new foundations getting tucked in with blankets every day so they don’t get too cold!

Lots of small details are getting worked out so materials can be ordered and electrical and mechanical work done.

The new … read more.