Category: News

Hospitality and Story: Conclusion

In my final blog post on the intersections between hospitality and our November theme of story, I wonder what role a sense of abundance might play? I have wondered how visitors see and experience us, and how we see and experience visitors. Stories include references … read more.

Hospitality and Story, Part 3

My second post ended with, “Once upon a time, a visitor stepped waaaaay out of their comfort zone to visit a new place called the UU Church of Nashua, and they found smiling faces and a comfy seat to sit in while they participated in … read more.

Hospitality and Story, part 2

November’s theme revolves around being a community of story. What story do you hope people will tell about visiting the UU Church of Nashua? What story would you tell about the first time you walked through the doors here at UUCN? Was it a friendly … read more.

Hospitality and Story

Do you expect to see a lot of visitors this Sunday?  People seeking comfort; seeking to be with others; people hoping to find a community with open arms.   Welcoming and hospitality can be a powerful ministry that we can all engage in.  People may … read more.