Category: News

April’s Theme: Creation

April begins in just a couple of days, which means it’s time for us to explore a new theme of the month. This month, we’ll be thinking together about creation, and answering the question “What does it mean to be a people of creation?”

We consider … read more.

Dreaming and Budgeting for our Future

It’s budgeting season here at UUCN. Over the past few weeks, the folks who lead our committees and teams have been sending me their requests for next year’s budget. It’s a joy to see all that you’ve been dreaming up for next year! I can … read more.

What does it mean to be free?

Last week’s T-UU-sday session was a conversation about our monthly theme, liberation. We read a poem together and explored the question “What does it mean to be free?” Since I know you can’t all make it on Tuesday evenings, I’m using my post this week … read more.

How can I stop worrying about life?

 It’s another installment of our question box questions today! This week, the question is: How can I stop worrying about life?

My first reaction to this is “when you figure it out, can you let me know?” I have always been a worrier. Sometimes it has … read more.

March’s Theme: Liberation

This month we are exploring different aspects of liberation in our worship services. Together, we’ll be thinking about how we might answer the question: What does it mean to be a people of liberation?

Liberation is often equated with freedom, but I always think of the … read more.

What are we here for?

Welcome to another installment in my Question Box series! One of you asked “What are we here for?” There are multiple ways this could be interpreted. Since I get to choose, I am going to give you my answer to this version: What are we … read more.


Happy Ash Wednesday!

I know that’s probably not the correct salutation for Ash Wednesday – a solemn day when Christians remember that “from dust we come, and to dust we shall return.” But I have grown to appreciate Lent (the season that begins today) … read more.

Voting as an Act of Faith

You can’t miss the fact that we are just a few days away from the primary here in New Hampshire. I have to admit that I’ve been a bit removed from all the primary craziness. Our lack of a land line and TV at home … read more.

Stewardship: Last Year’s Giving Profile

written by Stewardship Team Member Rick Spitz

The 2015-2016 stewardship campaign raised $290,000 from 166 pledge units (individual and family pledges), or about 262 people.

Who Is Giving?

Our most recent Member and Friends Directory lists over 260 potential pledging units comprising 420 adults and over 75 children.  … read more.

February’s Theme: Desire

In February, we’ll be looking at the theme of desire in our worship services. What does it mean to be a people of desire?

It struck me as I was contemplating this next theme, that it is a curious theme for a month during which we … read more.