Teams and Committees
The work of the church takes many hands.
There are so many ways to be involved, both within and beyond our beloved church. Below are all the different Teams, Committees and Activities we have. Teams are groups that report to the Minister quite possibly via a staff member (Director of Faith Formation, Church Administrator or Music Director). Committees report to the Board of Trustees and are chosen by vote of the Congregation. Most of the Teams are open for you to get involved. A few are by invitation only (Music Team, Pastoral Care and Worship Associates).
Cemetery Association
Contacts: Jim Bonvouloir
Maintain the grounds of the cemetery and Memorial Garden. Advertise, sell, and maintain records of the memorial garden and receive and bury cremated remains.
Children’s Winter Garden with White Wing School
Contacts: Jay Guarneri
Support the success of the pre-school, kindergarten, and all-day programs which are offered for the public.
Tech Team
Contacts: Ericka LaValley
Help with behind the scenes tech that makes our multiplatform worship possible.
Faith Formation for Adult and Youth
Director of Faith Formation: Sadie Kahn-Greene
Faith Formation Associates: Lea Anne Atwell, Meghan Holmes, Jess Woods, Erica Agnew, Diane Wolfe & Amy Curran
Our Whole Lives (OWL): Andy Straussberg, Joanne Iovino, Hal Holway & Jessica Price
Adult Faith Formation: Sadie Kahn-Greene
Youth Group & Coming of Age: Marissa Volpe & Sadie Kahn-Greene
Young Adult Group: Sadie Kahn-Greene
Covenant Groups: Sadie Kahn-Greene, Bob Keating, Gail McMorrow-Donahue, Laurie Goodman, Cathy Guevarra
Each team works to facilitate Faith Formation (formerly known as RE -Religious Education), for all ages within our church community.
Invested Funds Committee
Contact: Jon Lasselle
Advise Board of Trustees and Cemetery Trustees on investment of the Church’s and Cemetery’s endowments, and for the church, to advise on the amount that can be withdrawn.
Become a Greeter!
To offer hospitality to newcomers, sign up to be a Greeter on Sunday mornings. To sign up, please email Rev. Allison Palm.
Fellowship Hour Host
Fellowship hour needs volunteers to make and set out coffee, ice water, and lemonade, and if you’d like to provide snacks, you are welcome to do so. To sign up, please email Ericka LaValley in the church office
Music Team
Contacts: Kathleen Griffis and Brenna Woods
Provide a spiritually fulfilling music program for all the congregants. Click for more info about our music program.
Nominating Committee
Contacts: Jess Woods
Identify members to serve on specific committees and teams specifically outlined in the bylaws. These roles include all Board of Trustees roles, Financial Records Review, Cemetery Association, and Nominating Committee. We work closely with Leadership Development to help grow members into official leadership roles for the current year and beyond.
Pastoral Care
Contacts: Reverend Allison Palm
Provide a compassionate ear and helping hands to individual church members and friends as needed and as able.
Property Team
Contacts: Ericka LaValley, Church Administrator
Guide the maintenance and updates of the land and buildings owned by the Church.
Social Justice
Contact: Allison Palm
Organizes educational events to raise awareness; offers opportunities for Social Justice participation and advocacy. Social Justice happens in many ways, here are a few of the projects and the main contact person. Reach out to any of these contacts to find out how you can get involved.
- Racial Justice Group: Paul Introcaso
- GSOP (Granite State Organizing Project): Bob Keating
- Outreach: Kate Messner
- UUANH (UU Action New Hampshire): Livia O’Neil
Visit the Social Justice page by clicking here.
Stewardship Team
Contact: Kenna McLeod & Dave Price
The Stewardship team promotes and practices what stewardship means to all of us as members and friends of the church. This is in all aspects of being a steward including offering our gift of time, talents and resources. A major event of the team is the design and running the annual pledge drive for resources that keeps this church alive!
UU Hikers
Contact: Sadie Kahn-Greene
Provide company while enjoying the beauty that hiking can offer. Hikes are advertised, and anyone can join.
Worship Associates
Contact: Reverend Allison Palm
Help our minister provide a meaningful spiritual experience during worship.