Adult Programs
Adult Faith Formation Programs
Our Adult Faith Formation Programs at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashua encourages us to live out and explore our core values.
Courageous Community
Love in Action
Authentic Connection
Each area allows individuals the opportunity to explore their own spirituality as well as to meet other like-minded people.
Below you will see what programs we are offering this year. We wonder what opportunities interest you!
Contact Director of Faith Formation to sign up for any of the following programs
Courageous Community
Exploring Membership will be offered after church from 11:30-12:30 on
November 3rd, December 8th, February 2nd & April 6th
This 90-minute class will help you discern what it means to join our church.
We hope to get to know you, hear about your spiritual journey, and help you understand the rights, responsibilities, and benefits of membership.
For more information about Exploring Membership, email Rev. Allison Palm
Caregiver Support group w/ Sadie Kahn-Greene
Last Sundays of the month
after church from 11:30-12:15 in room 258 at Rivier
This group supports those caring for family members with health, cognitive, and extra care needs. To join or to learn more, contact Sadie Kahn-Greene for more information.
Intro to UU will be offered again in fall 2025
w/ Rev. Allison Palm
Participants can learn more about UU Nashua and Unitarian Universalist values, principles, and history. For more information about Intro to UU, email Rev. Allison Palm
Energy Healing Circle w/ Karen Campbell
Tuesday, May 6th in Campbell Chapel, 7 pm – 8 pm
Guided & silent meditation & energy healing of the Melchizedek Method healing and Reiki to promote awareness of one’s own sacredness.
UU Elevator Speech, 8pm-9pm ET on Zoom
On an elevator ride, when someone asks you “what is Unitarian Universalism?” you only have a short time to make a meaningful statement! Learn to express what Unitarian Universalism means to you at this 3 session workshop. This program is free to UU Nashua participants as we are part of the Faith Forward program led by First Unitarian Church in Dallas, TX. Reach out to Sadie to sign up!
Love in Action
UU Common Read Discussion Series
March 2nd, 16th, 30th & April 13th 2pm-4pm
In the Campbell Chapel at UU Nashua
The UU Common Read Discussion Series started on March 2nd, but there is still time to join! Authentic Selves is available through any major bookseller in print, digital, and audiobook formats.
Racial Justice Working Group
Wednesday, April, 6:30-7:30pm, Room 6
This group works on racial justice issues, including incarceration, immigration, voting rights and more.
Climate Justice Revival
September 29, 11:30-12:30
Climate Justice workshop after worship at Rivier on Sept. 29th led By Rev. Allison Palm
Interfaith Get Out the Vote Canvassing
September 22 and October 20, 1pm
Meet at UU Nashua in the Campbell Chapel
Partner with members of other Nashua faith communities to encourage our neighbors to vote and talk about the issues that matter to them.
Election Day Kid’s Camp at UU Nashua – November 5
While schools are closed for election day, we plan to offer a day program so adults can go vote or work with children and have a safe, fun, UU values-based place for the day! Run by church staff and volunteers in the faith formation wing.
Authentic Connection
Small Group Ministry Covenant Groups
At UU Nashua, our Covenant Groups are composed of 8-10 individuals who meet monthly to share and explore issues more deeply than possible in other areas of congregational life. These groups are wonderful for both longtime members and anyone new to our community. We ask that you commit to attending your group’s gatherings as your group builds and grows connections each time you gather. We understand life and illness happen, and we ask you to prioritize this as best you can.
For more information about Small Group Ministry Covenant Groups, email the Director of Faith Formation
Our online Grief Group is a drop-in program that welcomes adults who are experiencing grief due to all types of loss, change and transitions.
This is a safe space to share experiences and strategies for managing grief. Confidentiality is respected and honored.
To receive more information or obtain the Zoom link, email Karen Campbell
The plan is to have fun and enjoy each other’s company!
If you’re interested, please contact Tess George at
Gathering for identity-based community and worship can be a source of affirmation and strength for Unitarian Universalists, particularly for those who may be in the minority in their home congregations. Everyone is encouraged to learn more about national UU affinity groups and to attend and participate if these align with your identities.
UU Equal Access – community ministry for UUs living with disabilities
- Monthly Online Gatherings and Newsletter
Black Lives of UU – for all people who identify as Black or of African descent
- Monthly worship – 2nd Sundays at 4pmEST online
- Daily Text Affirmations – Text BLUU to 24251
Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries – organized by and for Black, Indigenous and People of Color Unitarian Universalists
- Calendar of Events on Facebook
- Chaplaincy Team led by ordained BIPOC UU clergy, available for BIPOC Unitarian Universalists in need of support
UUA Office of LGBTQ Ministries – supporting LGBTQ+ identities and justice initiatives
- Quarterly Newsletter
- Monthly Trans and Non-Binary Online Gatherings: 4th Tuesday of the Month 8-9:30pm EST – open to all ages – parent permission required for children and youth to attend
UU Young Adult Revival Network – organized by and for UUs ages 18-39
- UUYARN Website
- Monthly Newsletter Follow on Facebook for links to online events