“If you are proud of this church, become its advocate.
If you are concerned for its future, share its message.
If its values resonate deep within you, give it a measure of your devotion.
This church cannot survive without your faith, your confidence, your enthusiasm.
Its destiny, the larger hope, rests in your hands.”
– Rev. Dr. Michael A Schuler


The theme for our 2025-2026 stewardship campaign is “Lead With Love”.   Beginning Sunday, February 2, 2025, members of this church will give testimonials each week explaining why the stewardship campaign and your annual commitment is important to the work of this congregation.  You can view those recordings on our Stewardship Testimonials page.   If you would like to learn more about our 2025-2026 Stewardship Campaign, or fill out the Pledge Form online, click here.


What is Stewardship? 

Stewardship is the way we take care of and sustain our congregation. Each of us is called to be a steward of the congregation, supporting our values, mission and ends with our time, talents and money.

Being a steward of the congregation means volunteering your time to help make our programs happen, offering your talents wherever you can be of use, and making a financial commitment each year to support the work of the congregation (we often call this pledging).

Why do we pledge?
This church belongs to each of us. We pledge to fund the daily operations and to ensure that the church and its resources are here for us and for others now and in the future. Pledges from members and friends make up the biggest part of our income each year. We couldn’t keep this church running without you!

What is the money used for?
Pledge and other revenue sources (rental, investment, fundraising, donations) support our worship and music programs, our faith formation programs, our social justice work, and our connections to Unitarian Universalism. Our budget reflects our values, mission and ends.

Is pledging a requirement of membership?
Yes. We expect that those who benefit from the church and participate in activities will share in its financial upkeep. Some members are able to pledge more, others less, but we can all share in supporting our church. We do offer pledge grants to those who cannot make any kind of commitment for the year. We never want money to keep you away from the church. If you would like more information about receiving a pledge grant, please contact our minister, Rev. Allison Palm.

Should everyone pledge the same amount?
We place a high value on diversity in our congregation—diverse views, backgrounds, and experiences. Included in this diversity is a diversity of economic circumstances. All of us support our church at individual financial levels. We are grateful for whatever you can give!

How much should I pledge?
This is a great question and is up to each individual to decide. We’ve put together a page with some thoughts on how you can decide how much makes sense for you.

What about the money I put in the collection plate?
All loose money and money in white envelopes goes to our Outreach Offering recipient of the month. If you want the money you put in the offering to go towards your pledge, make sure you put it in a green envelope and write your name on the outside.


Can I set up an automatic monthly payment?
Yes! You can set up an automatic recurring payment using Breeze. If you do not yet have a username and password for Breeze, reach out to Ericka LaValley, who can get you set up. Once you are in, you can follow these simple instructions:

  1. From your dashboard click on “Give Now”
  2. On new screen click “Recurring Gifts”
  3. Click “New Gift”
  4. New Screen says “Give” begin filling out the information being sure to pay attention to the drop down carrots in selected boxes.

Individuals can select the day of the month they wish their donation to come out and change that if needed at any time.

What if my financial circumstances change during the year, if I lose my job or have a financial emergency?
That’s okay! Lives are not static. Contact Ericka LaValley or Rev. Allison Palm if you need to change your pledge

I still have questions about Stewardship. Where can I go?
You can reach out to the entire Stewardship Team at stew@uunashua.org.


Questions & Answers inspired by a piece by Patricia Manley