Governance as a Spiritual Act

We had a fabulous “Budget, Bylaws and Brownies” evening on Monday. Folks brought great questions and we had some thoughtful conversations about governance and finances. It reminded me of everything I love about our congregational polity. As members of a congregation like ours, each of you has a part in setting the course for our future together.

I was seventeen years old the first time I went to an Annual Meeting at my home congregation and I was immediately hooked. I discovered that I am genuinely fascinated by the many different ways in which we organize and make decisions in our congregations–a fascination that has only grown as I have encountered congregations of different size and culture. While finances and governance may seem like they ought to fall in the “dull but necessary” category of church life, I find them anything but dull. The ways in which we run our congregations are part of how we express our values to the world, and build community within the congregation.

If you haven’t had a chance to do so yet, I hope you will take a look at the proposed budget and bylaws changes  (you can find them here) and join us on June 5 at 12pm for our Annual Meeting.

