Do you expect to see a lot of visitors this Sunday? People seeking comfort; seeking to be with others; people hoping to find a community with open arms. Welcoming and hospitality can be a powerful ministry that we can all engage in. People may be hurting, angry, afraid and feeling vulnerable when they walk through our doors. I invite you to begin a conversation with a newcomer using our theme of story.
Consider how you respond when you see a visitor or newcomer in our midst? Scientists say that there is an automatic physical response to recognize the “other” when we see them. Over the next few weeks, let us consider together, how hospitality, both non-verbal and verbal, might begin a newcomer’s story. Think about a Sunday morning, from 9:30 to 11:30 am, as our setting. Come along with me to explore our intentions and behaviors.
Rev. Gail R. Geisenhainer’s newcomer’s story is poignantly hilarious and worth 20 minutes of your time. This is an excerpt from it…“As the member spoke I slowly sat upright from my customary slouch. I tucked in my arms, looked furtively around to see who might be glaring in my direction, and I tried to remember if I had parked my car facing in or out in the parking lot…. At the time, what I remember most is the sensation of holding my breath as I hurried out during the postlude. I ducked my head, avoided eye contact, spoke to no one as though the shame were mine. There was a man in the foyer between me and the exit door. I quickly glanced up to his face, silently pleading for him to let me pass without more pain. He smiled, held the door open gently for me, speaking softly, he said, “See you next week? At once a question and an invitation.””
Do you recognize yourself in her story? Come to church this Sunday. Seek out a newcomer. Invite them to a seat. Express your gratitude and say, “We are glad you are here with us.” Ask them what their story is. Invite them to coffee hour and listen (and then maybe accompany them to Intro to UU at 11:30). How are we a community of story? A story begins with a smile and a hello…
With gratitude,
Lori Lerude
Membership Coordinator