Dear UU Nashua friends,
Any day now, my husband and I will be welcoming our first child into this world. Thank you all for the love and support you have offered to me during this time. Thank you, also, for the time to be away on parental leave. I will be taking 12 weeks of leave, starting early September at the latest. I will be back to work in early December. I expect to spend my parental leave getting to know our baby, recovering, and transitioning to becoming first time parents.
This page has all the information you need to know about who to contact during my leave. I will not be checking my email or office phone while I am on leave nor will I be involved in responding to any church related issues. A temporary part time staff person, Abigail Lewis, has been hired to take on the Tech and Communications role of my position while I am away. We also have 3 members (Roy Goodman, Jenn Morton and Ruth Cannava) who have been kind enough to volunteer in the office for 1 hour a week each to keep up with voicemails, emails and mail. Staff will also be available to assist where needed.
Thank you again for the space and time to be on leave, and a special thank you to everyone who is dedicating a little extra time to help cover for me while I am away. I am so grateful to all of you, and I look forward to introducing you to our new little one on Zoom!
All my best,
Ericka LaValley
Pledge/Outreach Donations:
For questions, comments or concerns regarding your pledge donation or monthly outreach, please reach out to the Stewardship Team at or Rev. Allison Palm at .
Faith Formation Programming:,
For questions or more information about children/youth/adult Faith Formation, please contact our Director of Faith Formation, Sadie Kahn-Greene, at
For anything related to the property or facility, including service invoices, contract work, damage or property maintenance, please reach out to our church Sexton, Mark Connolly, at .
Programming/Policies/Cemetery or building Usage:
for questions related to COVID19 policies, programming, cemetery or building access, please reach out to our minister, Rev. Allison Palm, at .
To share upcoming events and programs that you would like to be shared with the congregation, please email our tech/communications staff member Abigail Lewis at .
For any other questions that do not fit in a category above, please contact the office volunteers who will get a response to you or direct your message to the correct person. Their email is .