Speaker: Rev. Allison Palm

All Souls Day

Join us for a service remembering and honoring our loved ones who have died. We’ll explore what it means to pay attention to loss, and the ways our loved ones live on in our memories.


Why Belong?

What is the purpose of being a member of a community? Why does belonging matter? We’ll explore these questions and more this Sunday!


To Be Seen As We Are

This Sunday we’ll explore gender identity and talk pronouns! Join us to hear the voices of Trans UUs and talk about how we can be welcoming to people of all genders in our congregation.

Repairing Our Foundations

Along with 7 other faith communities in our area, this Sunday we’ll be talking about the issue of affordable housing. Our faith calls us to care for our neighbors, because we are connected. What can we do about the issue of housing in our community?


Defying Expectations

There are so many stories about times that the underdog has, unexpectedly, come out on top. What do these stories have to teach us about defeating the giants of our time?


The Tide is Rising and So Are We

On September 20, three days before the UN Climate Summit in NYC, young people and adults will strike all across the US and world to demand transformative action be taken to address the climate crisis. This service will explore climate justice and Unitarian Universalism, offering … read more.

Loving the Brokenness

Join us for a service about self-love. We’ll explore what it looks like to love even the parts of ourselves that are broken.