Speaker: Rev. Patrick McLaughlin

Our Common Endeavor

One of the things our form of congregational polity has long called for is cooperation with, and gentle correction from, sibling congregations. We’re starting to get better at this—what are we doing now?

Stop Talking; Cross the River

Rev. Patrick McLaughlin, Minister with the UU Church in Manchester, will be leading worship in our sanctuary in Nashua, while our Rev. Allison Palm leads worship in Milford, and UU Milford’s Rev. Barbara McKusick Liscord leads worship in Manchester. Pulpit Swapping is an old New England tradition dating back to the days when each town had just one church and folks were eager to hear messages from different ministers.

Let America Be America Again

If America isn’t America (or never was) what does it mean to ask — as Langston Hughes did — that we let America be America again? And what would it take for us to do that, to move into a real America?