Speaker: Sadie Kahn-Greene

The Stories We Listen To

Join us online:  https://zoom.us/j/606344193; by telephone: 1-646-558-8656, meeting ID: 606 344 193 or by listening to our livestream (link below).

Join Sadie Kahn-Greene, our Director of Faith Formation, as she leads us in this service to listen to the voices and stories of Indigenous People.

Befriending the Impostor

We are taught to think wisdom comes from books and from sages, not from inside ourselves.  In this service, Ministerial intern Ben Atherton-Zeman shares his journey dealing with “Impostor Syndrome” and encourages us all to validate our inner wisdom.

Connection Amid Conflict & Change

As Unitarian Universalists united by covenant, shared values and our faith’s heritage, we can navigate the changes and conflicts that arise in our lives and our congregations. Using the following books as resources, Sadie we explore this topic through worship.  Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing … read more.

Flower Communion

Volunteer recognition and flower communion. Everyone is invited to bring a flower, learn why UU’s celebrate this tradation and then leave with a different flower as we celebrate the uniqueness within each of us.

Bridging & Blessings

Celebrating our graduating high school Seniors and offering wishes and love – offers of hope to someone you know. Children and Youth will celebrate learnings from faith formation classes this year.