There is More Joy Somewhere
Vision takes patience and requires hope. How do we keep on moving forward even when our visions feel far from reality?
Vision takes patience and requires hope. How do we keep on moving forward even when our visions feel far from reality?
Having a vision can be like having a dream, but it can also mean having an intentional plan for the future. How can we put our vision into action, intentionally creating the world we dream about?
One of the ways we envision the world as we want it to be in Unitarian Universalism is by creating covenants with one another. How can agreeing on how we want to be together change our communities and the world for the better?
Join us for our Ingathering Water Communion Service to kick off our church year! This will be a fun, interactive service for people of all ages. Bring some water from somewhere that is special to you to contribute during our Water Communion ritual. After the service, … read more.