Video Announcements 3.11.2019

More info about the UU Hikers hike to Beaver Brook:

NNED Spring Assembly and Annual Meeting:

UU Action NH Spring Summit:

UUA General Assembly:

And one more announcement:

Community Dinner Informational Meeting –

On the 3rd Sunday of each month, UU Nashua hosts a community dinner aimed at providing people in our area with a meal at a time when the Nashua Soup Kitchen is closed. On Sunday March 24th, the Community Dinner Team will host a short informational meeting at 11:15am in the Fellowship Room for anyone who is interested in learning more about this on-going project.  Folks who have participated as leads for shopping, cooking, serving, gate keepers and clean-up will speak about these tasks and be available to answer questions.  All are welcome.  After the informational meeting concludes the Community Dinner Team will hold a planning meeting for the upcoming church year.  All are welcome to stay for the planning meeting and experience firsthand the warmth, caring and collaboration of our team.