Worship Services- COVID19
While the COVID19 pandemic continues to change the way we gather, our services have moved to a multiplatform model with the following options for worship:
- Zoom Online: https://zoom.us/j/606344193
- Telephone: 1-646-558-8656, meeting ID: 606 344 193
- Listening to our livestream: click here
- In person (masks and vaccination strongly encouraged).
To view the Order of Service click here
COVID19 Guidelines for in-person worship:
Please do not come into the church building or to programming if you:
- Are exhibiting possible Covid-19 symptoms (especially fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing)
- Are in isolation because of a positive Covid-19 tes
If you test positive for Covid-19 within five days of attending a church program or service, please inform a member of the staff so that we may inform others who were in attendance. We will keep your identity confidential.