The 2024 Annual Meeting for the UU Church of Nashua is being held at Noon on Sunday, June 2, 2024 both in person and via Zoom. Below are the relevant documents, which are due to be submitted to administration by May 24th, 2024.  All documents should be uploaded to this page, for your review, no later than May 26th.


Meeting Documents


FY24 Financial Report & FY25 Proposed Budget


Leadership Reports

President’s Report

Minister’s Report

Clerk’s Report


Committee Reports

(Committees report to the Board of Trustees or the Congregation)

Financial Records Review Committee (Frank Grossman, Chair)

Internship Committee (Kris Grady, Chair)

Invested Funds Committee  (Jon Lasselle, Chair)

Nashua Cemetery Association  (Russ Leonard, Chair)

Nashua Cemetery Association Fiscal Report (Kevin Murray, Treasurer)

Nominating Committee (Jess Woods, Chair)


Team Reports

Building our Vision

Capital Campaign Follow Up Team (Tiffany Holmes & Jess Woods, Co-Chairs)

Children’s Winter Garden & White Wing School (Jay Guarneri, Chair)

Faith Formation (Sadie Kahn-Greene, Director of Faith Formation)

Ministerial Intern (Erin Scott)

Music Team  (Kathy Grossman)

Pastoral Care Associates (Rev. Allison Palm)

Property Team (Ericka LaValley, Staff Liaison)

Social Justice Team (Bob & Hilary Keating, Co-Chairs)

Stewardship Team (Jim Bonvouloir & David Price, Co-Chairs)

Worship Associates (Rev. Allison Palm)